Thursday, November 8, 2007


Japan’s view and ideas about religion have always amazed me. These two pictures above were taken at Fushimi Inari shine in Kyoto. The one of the right is from the main part of the shrine and reflects the Shinto elements that one would expect to see from a Shinto shrine. However, the second picture on the left is (according to the religion teacher that we were with) is Buddhist in nature. Coming from America where people from one religion look down of those who practice another, this idea of two religions living peacefully side by side, even co-inhabiting the same piece of land amazes me beyond words. While I am not exactly a religious person, even in my western mind it is hard for me to accept the idea of two religions living peacefully side-by-side. I think thought this is one thing that I America would take to heart, the idea that people from all different religions can live in peace with each other.

1 comment:

visual gonthros said...

Religion is thought of very differently in Japan. There is an expression, "there are many roads to Mount Fuji." This means there are many gods and ways to get to heaven. Different religions serve different functions in life. Shinto is mainly for life-cycle rituals and Buddhism is associated with death. Are you taking the Religion class? It might be nice to post some citations from class readings on this subject.