Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cars sizes

Ever since I have arrived in Japan Japanese cars have fascinated me. They just come in so many different sizes!! When I went to Australia a few years ago I remember just how small and compact they were, they were so worried about conserving space. So when I came to Japan (which is much much smaller then Australia ) I'd imaged the cars would be very very small like they were there. However that is not the case, I have seen several large SUV types of cars around. In the picture of the Avail parking lot you can see that there are cars of several different sizes or a fairly large size. I do wounder if the cars in Tokyo are small because there are so many people and so little space?

1 comment:

visual gonthros said...

How do you think you can find the answer to your questions? You might want to do some research to include with your posting. Remember, we are doing anthropology here...